Dr. Ra’meer Roberts
Assistant Dean and Interim Director
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Kristie Filipchuk
Associate Director, Interim
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Michael Largen
Assistant Director, Interim
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Assistant Director, Interim
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Office Manager & Hearings Coordinator
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity:
Student Conduct:
We are located at 815 S. Cathedral Place, 2nd floor
This building does not have an elevator. One must navigate steps to get to the second floor. Please call 804-828-1963 if you are unable to access our office so that we can make the necessary accommodations.
You can also reach us via email at either: stuconduct@vcu.edu or honorsystem@vcu.edu
VCU FACULTY: If you have any questions about the Honor System and Standards of Academic Conduct, or issues of academic integrity as you conduct your courses online or via virtual format, please do not hesitate to contact stuconduct@vcu.edu for consultation. You may also want to visit the FOR FACULTY tab above for helpful tips from your peers.