Academic Integrity Sanction Review Board

Honor System & Standards of Academic Conduct

Sanction Review Boards 

Sanction Review Boards review challenges to sanctions assigned through administrative resolution and, where appropriate, as a result of a Decision Board. Sanction Review Boards do not have the authority to review findings of responsibility; furthermore, requesting review by a Sanction Review Board constitutes an acknowledgment of responsibility by the respondent. Challenges to sanctions must be made in writing and articulate a compelling reason why the assigned sanctions are disproportionate to the offense.

Upon the receipt of a notification to challenge any sanction, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity will schedule a Sanction Review Board. 

Sanction Review Board Procedures

i. The Sanction Review Board will review any written statements concerning the sanctions submitted by the respondent, administrator, and the reporting party.

ii. Based upon review of the written documentation, statements and case file, the Sanction Review Board will decide, by a majority vote, whether to uphold or amend the sanction(s) proposed by the administrator. The Sanction Review Board will determine the most appropriate sanction(s), which may be more or less severe than that assigned by administrative resolution.

c. After its review, either board will notify the director of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity of the board’s recommendation. The director will review the board’s recommendation and notify the respondent and school officials, as needed, of the university’s decision within five (5) business days of the board’s review.